Sometimes a day comes that requires you to pause and just have a cup of tea. Why tea??? The relaxing qualities, aroma, health benefits and warmth as it is sipped with a certain grace, gliding down the throat…oh what a great feeling from within!! The warmth radiates throughout the body and all is right with the intimate world around you. My what a journey…at least in my mind.
Last Saturday I needed to escape fro it all, pause for a bit and decided to enjoy a cup of tea or two. I wasn’t really hungry, so no nibbles were required. I simply wanted to enjoy a hot cup of tea that perhaps had some positive benefits for my body and perhaps an uplifting fragrance for my spirit. I put the kettle on, grabbed a few new magazines and chose a long unused teapot and matching cup. I chose The Republic of Tea “Hibiscus Superflower Tea, a blend of Coconut bits, Nigerian Hibiscus flower, Rose Hips, and Stevia – as its proprietary blend. I gently steeped it for 5 minutes and eased into the moment….which turned into an entire day of oohing and ahhing over gardens in England and sipping a wonderful cup of tea.
Although I did not grow the tea for this day, it made me think of what herbs can be grown in the garden for tea. As we approach this year’s gardening season consider growing some herbs for a good cup of tea with benefits. A few of my flowering favorites are chamomile, bergamot, and borage. Borage has such a lovely blue flower and is considered to be an uplifting herb. A gorgeous star flower that adds sheer joy to a salad or in a cup of iced tea or lemonade. I like to see the blossom’s floating in a sea of pale yellow with a leaf of mint….just beautiful!!! A beneficial of having Borage in the garden other than for tea….it is a terrific bee attractant. It is like a bee alarm that goes off in the garden!!
There is also Bergamot. A wonderful bloom that resembles fireworks, however, it can be aggressive in the garden, but easily maintained when tugged in time – keep an eye on this one!!! Using the leaves that emit a wonderfully sweet orange blossom fragrance, this herb is a native plant that has been used for many, many years. The oils found in the leaves offer a huge level of antioxidants. A calming tea best enjoyed ….whenever!!
Rose hips are another common item found in the garden. Those wonderful orange remnants of bloom found on the rose-bush offer flavonoids, lycopene, Vitamin C and VitaminA. Drinks can be made by crushing the rose hips and steeping them in hot water. All this beneficial goodness, found in the garden. Imagine that! Some other herbs to consider are most of the Mint family, Chamomile, Lemon Balm (delicious hot or cold) and Anise Hyssop. Now before you go making all sorts of combinations as a cure-all, check with your doctor. Some herbs interact with medications or allergies.
Steal a quiet Saturday for yourself, make time to pause to enjoy a cup or a pot of a delicious tea from the garden. You will be surprised at the joy that it will bring if you dry the leaves and store them to be enjoyed offseason.
Peace from the Cottage,