April 1, 2019
Spring Self Care for Gardeners
Spring blooming trees add color to an otherwise bleak landscape… Spring has sprung. When I walk Precious it is dark, but not as dark as last week. I could feel Spring embracing me. It was warmer, the air felt lighter, the birds were singing and the woodpecker chorus was in full swing. In the distance, the moon in it’s waxing crescent shined a bit of light along the way. I knew the presence of Spring
March 23, 2019
Seed Sowing Season
Seed sowing is this Gardener’s Winter Olympics. This is becoming a National trend. Got seeds? Seed sowing season begins right after the new year. I noticed when the wrapping paper goes on sale, the seed stands take their place. For the past 10 + years, Washington Gardener Magazine has hosted the Annual Seed Swap in the Mid Atlantic. A popular pre-Spring ritual, this event has brought wonderful speakers, cultivated conversations and grown a seed sowing
March 23, 2019
MANTS -Winter Networking
MANTS was the perfect place in the midst of winter to introduce a new name GARDENCOMM formerly known as the Association of Garden Writers and Communicators. Winter warm-up could have multiple meanings depending on where you live. As a garden writer, winter warm-up means gearing up for the seasons ahead. In the Mid-Atlantic, the horticulture community looks forward to an event called MANTS. A BIT OF HISTORY The Maryland and Virginia Nurseryman’s Association saw a
March 21, 2019
Adore My Garden
I adore fresh peony buds signaling Spring Mulched beds are a sign of this Gardeners autumnal toil, Protecting plants that are dormant beneath the soil. A familiar glimpse of foliage pokes through here and there, New growth, a glistening red stretching up, reaching for air. Peonies stretching for the warmth of the Spring sun after a long winter’s rest Hydrangea, peonies, daffodils and crocus, Spring bulbs awaken and this Gardener cannot focus. Oh how I
March 13, 2019
Gardencomm…Why Join??
If you are a gardener, scouting for that near perfect spot to thrive can be difficult. Having a passion for beautiful gardens, plants, garden books, and…well, all things garden or garden related can make finding your place in a community difficult. When you want to write, teach, or share your vision of gardening so it reaches the masses, finding a practical place is key. As I asked around, it was recommended that I join The Association