March 18, 2020
Self-Care In Anticipation of Embracing The Garden
Self-care at this time of world-wide chaos is so important. Self-care in a time of chaos and crises is a good thing. It does not matter if you are a Weekend warrior, one who lightly dabbles in the garden, or employed fulltime. In the wonderful world of horticulture, taking care of your self is key. Social distancing is actually a thing. For some of us who thrive on personal interaction, this is a gamechanger. I
March 2, 2020
African American Heritage In Urban Agriculture
African American heritage includes many things passed down from generation to generation. Heritage, for many African Americans, is rooted in the garden. The definition of heritage according to Merriam Webster is something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor. Each of us has something that has been passed down. Our culture embraces our heritage by language and even mannerisms. The foods we eat are part of our culture. The way we garden can be determined
February 29, 2020
Riviera Vacation Without A Passport
Riviera dreams will enhance my slumber tonight for tomorrow is day 1 of the Philadelphia Flower Show! Riviera vacations have been on my mind all week. I did not dig out my passport, but I had the oil changed in my car. After a less than exciting winter, this short drive to Pre-Spring bliss will be a breeze! I have a feeling that my dreams of the Riviera will get visions of snow off my
February 23, 2020
Simple Gifts of Spring – Did You Receive Yours?
Simple gifts of Spring often go unnoticed. This patch of crocus danced at the woodland’s edge. An unexpected gift on an early morning walk. Simple gifts of Spring can go unnoticed or become mundane. The simple act of waking up and performing our daily routines is just what we do, right? Sometimes, things that often prove meaningful, go unnoticed. Daily habits can become routine and cause us to just get them done. When we go
February 21, 2020
Planting Seeds of Kindness Along The Way
Planting seeds impacts the future in many circumstances. Here is a glance at how seeds sown into my world this February have inspired me. Planting seeds can be accomplished in more ways than one. The opportunity for us to share positive seeds as we practice kindness are everywhere. This month of February has been a month where I have received positive messages from the seeds sown my way. PLANTING SEEDS FROM THE MOVIES Where do