April 11, 2020
Book Review: The Earth In Her Hands…
Book reviews bring me joy. Especially when they speak my language. Book reviews are one of my favorite things to do, other than gardening. Especially when they are about gardens, gardening or garden travel. I recently had the opportunity to review a book published by Timber Press. I want to say Thank You to Timber Press for seeing a need and finding the right person to share the message. The Earth In Her Hands –
April 11, 2020
Ruffles of The Peony Party – A Celebration
Ruffles and flourishes like a crinoline slip as the Peony Parade begins. Ruffles make me happy. Reminding me of the dresses my Mom would make to celebrate the Spring season. Particularly for Easter. When I was a toddler, Mom’s mindset was the more fabric the better. When I see old photos, I wish she had used fewer ruffles. I appreciate the abundant ruffles in my garden. Especially when I see the tree peony party begin
April 6, 2020
Saplings of Strength and Survival
Acorns are the seeds that grow saplings of strength that survive in times of crises and chaos. Saplings are often overlooked when we think about the landscape. We adore the gift of shade that trees like maples and oaks provide. The autumnal leaf color is a visual gift as we anticipate the nakedness of nature during the winter months. A SEEDS TALE In the midst of the forest, seeds fall. Seeds fall, laying in stillness
March 22, 2020
Being Present In The Moment
Being present in the moment helps one appreciate the act of living. Being present in the moment is a state of mind that might be difficult at the moment. Having to practice social distancing after 4 days gives me a reason to pause. I am such a people person. The reality of more distancing is truly something to think about. I long to see my grandsons, daughters, and co-workers. It really hit today when my
March 20, 2020
Creating In The Midst of Chaos
Creating in the midst of chaos is a skill worth having. Mental words games and creating moments of laughter always help me cope. I refuse to use the other “C” word in the news these days. I am thinking of positive actions in the garden. Creating joyful moments that will allow me to destress is good mental mojo. The act of creating for this gardener has many levels…and I see it becoming more unique as