Ruffles make me happy. Reminding me of the dresses my Mom would make to celebrate the Spring season. Particularly for Easter. When I was a toddler, Mom’s mindset was the more fabric the better. When I see old photos, I wish she had used fewer ruffles.
I appreciate the abundant ruffles in my garden. Especially when I see the tree peony party begin in my yard. Bursting at the seams, the petals of pink bring back many memories. They remind me of days when I was doing the same, in my Easter dress with fabric galore!
This year, a pink peony was the star of my tree peony parade. As she slowly performed a striptease this week, I became a garden voyeur.

Two buds closest to the walkway seemed so excited to see each day. The promise of ruffles, upon ruffles of beauty, was part of my nightly dream.

One by one, the layers pushed away from the calyx…

Being late was not part of this peony’s plan. She wanted to be the star of my garden. Pretty in Pink to capture the attention due to her.

Until finally, the tree peony fluffed her petals, shook the dew off her crinoline of abundance, sighed, and stretched forth her petals…

Ruffles and more ruffles…let the peony party begin!
Are you familiar with the Tree Peony? Is there a parade of bodacious pompom blooms gracing your garden? I adore the Tree peony blooms for the joy they bring to my garden party!
Up high she stood
Patiently absorbing the dew
As the day brightened
The calyx could no longer hold her back
One by one, the petals began to unfurl
Rosey pink ruffles gently set free
Wafting in the air was music
A Spring sonnet, only she could hear
The song of the earth waking from a winter’s nap
The death orchestra began
Signaling it was time for the dance
She was the party starter this year
As she unruffled her dress
Ruffled and ready for the dance of the season
Teri Speight, Cottage In The Court

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