Gifts are to be received with joy. Usually gifts are given out of love and appreciation. Given with minimal expectations, except for one or two. The giver would like for the recipient to use the gift. The other expectation should go unsaid, if you have manners, a Thank You is in order and appropriate. What does this have to do with the garden?
As a Garden Communicator, we are often asked to review various items. It can be a plant, a book or other just about anything pertaining to the garden. Last year, I was asked to sample a Vinca called Plug and Play Combo Seaside Delight. These sample gifts came from PanAmerican Seed. First of all – Thank you Pan American Seed!! The name was certainly appropriate. I planted it in my front garden and YES IT SHOWED OFF! Seriously- I plugged it in and it played well with my other plants. Of course, I neglected to take photos.
Gifts can sometimes be more than anticipated- in a good way. Wandering through my garden, I noticed a distinctive leaf. Much to my surprise, I found Plug and Play babies. This annual Vinca seems to have forgotten that this is Zone 6B.
These are the special gifts from last years garden – Plug and Play Vinca seedlings. Who would have guessed this?
I couldn’t wait to see these babies grow and bloom. I am heeding the advice of one of my trusted GardenComm mentors and sharing. As Garden Communicators, it is our unique and trusted voice that connects vendors with the consumer. Vendors share an ask or a gift of something to be trialed. When we share our thoughts, our audiences listen.
This past weekend Plug and Play bloomed. In spite of the dryness we are experiencing, without fertilizer, and unanticipated neglect. Joy and hope, special gifts from a few trial plants, courtesy of Pan American Seed. Did I say THANK YOU ??
If you go to a conference or trade show and you are given a sample, asked to trial an item or to give a review, remember an honest response is worth a thousand words. Are you practicing good manners and sharing? Are you saying Thank you after being given a gift?
When you plant your garden in the Spring, what if the results were not fruitful after toiling all season?? Share the love and respond accordingly.
Mixing up some fish emulsion to keep this growing and blooming til the weather changes…
Teri, Cottage In The Court
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