When I go into my garden, the realization of how plants imitate life is evident no matter where I look. The seeds which fall along the way and multiply, simply enhance what I consider my world. As I spoke with a friend recently, we were in agreement on a few observances in our life gardens.
Life is shorter than we ever thought, just like the seasons. We agreed, when we were younger, the seasons seemed to last forever. Now they whisk by with barely enough time to really enjoy the moments found within. Especially now. With the uncertainty of the next moment, the opportunity to just be in the moment is more important than ever.

We spoke of the friends who we missed. Our friend Bob, who was like Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint) in our world. You see, Bob had his hands in just about everything. Feeding knowledge to the younger folks who would listen and positive ideas to standard practices. He is a seed that we sorely miss, yet the roots he sunk deep into our workplace soil remain and grow.

(Image by Anna Armbrust from Pixabay)
Mary was like the Spider Flower (Cleome). The seeds, which are quite minute, of this beautiful garden addition, truly speak to the nature of our friend. Although short in stature, Mary blooms eternally to many of us. If you are not familiar with the Cleome, this self-seeding annual brings life to the garden. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies creating quite the show as they dance and hover above the blooms. Mary was always ready to dance, bringing joy to all who knew her.
I cannot forget the lesson of conversation. Yes, the art of simple conversation should be considered a seed as well. We reminisced about how we were raised. Sharing the joys of having a conversation with my Mom every day after school sowed the seed of how important human connections are – whether near or far. Mom chatted with each of us about our day and current events. We had the opportunity to respectfully speak our minds. I am certain that whatever we shared with her, were seeds as well. Our opinions helped Mom figure out how to fertilize each of us to help us grow. My sister, brothers, and I each had different requirements which helped us become the adults we are today. The seeds of conversation were enhanced each evening as we had family dinner together when Dad came home.
As seasons change, gardeners clean up the garden beds to prepare for the next season. We had to clean up from playing outside, so Dad could see his children happy and smelling quite fresh when he arrived home. At the dinner table, he sowed seeds of knowledge into our lives, whether we paid attention or not. At the time, we were hungry for whatever Mom cooked for dinner that day. We did not realize that Dad was sowing seeds of wisdom into our mental garden plots of life.
In these uncertain times, are we sowing seeds of positivity in the life gardens of these we encounter? It is important that we seize the moments we have to plant perennial or self-sowing seeds of positivity everywhere we go. The lingering effects of properly sown seeds can make a difference in the life gardens of those around us. Make time to have dinner with those you love to share memories with. Make your life a fertile bed that will grow seeds or roots of positivity to share with those around you.
If we take the time now to make sure we are sowing seeds that will linger along the way, the world will ultimately become a better place.
Off to be the seed in the life gardens of those that I love.
Teri, Cottage In The Court