BLOOMBOX – I am in LOVE. I am almost ashamed to admit that I…well…I am a fan. Note I say almost. Please allow me to explain.
A dear friend of mine just happened to share that she was waiting for a plant delivery from BLOOMBOX. Common sense said I should have ignored that – but I didn’t. I asked her to share a photo of her plants when they arrived. My doubtful mind said they will be puny, no roots, and she will wish she had gone to a local nursery. I was SO WRONG (Lord, forgive me for pre-judging.)

Seeing my fellow garden buddy’s photo had me order (for closer inspection – of course) a few items. An assortment of perennials, annuals, and vegetables – all to trial in my garden. I dug deep for the fine print or a disclaimer of some sort. If they were not to my liking, had I made a huge mistake? What if they did not pass the “Teri Test”? What if they were dry upon arrival? Where do they come from? Surely they were joking when the mention of NO SHIPPING was on my invoice. I was delightfully surprised.
BLOOMBOX passed the test – all of them. The plants were moist. There was actually a plant in each pot and not 80% soil with a hint of a plant. I was even surprised that when I turned the pot upside down, the soil was intact and the roots were healthy and not rootbound. The plants were VERY healthy! Oh by the way – the plants were priced RIGHT as well.
We are in the midst of a seemingly never-ending pandemic. some people are not willing to venture out. It was sad listening to the stories of NOT gardening last year from some friends and associates. I knew there had to be a way for the 2021 garden season to be enjoyed and not be missed. BLOOMBOX seems to be the answer.

One of the benefits of BLOOMBOX is the variety. Perennials, Annuals, Houseplants, pots, and more. All plants have arrived healthy, handled with care, and delivered with a smile. All from the comfort of your home and computer, delivered within three days, sales, wish lists, and more. You can even earn points when you order. I noticed that they have a pretty good vegetable selection as well, just in case your seeds didn’t come up.

I am not getting paid for this – honestly. Between working full-time, in the middle of writing two books, starting a long-term garden project, as well as beginning to travel lightly time is limited. It is important that I am surrounded by beautiful gardens, so I must maintain my garden. The more abundant blooms I have, the happier I am. After ordering, the best part of my day is waiting for the notification of the arrival time of my BLOOMBOX.
FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is real. Especially when it comes to not seeing and purchasing new plants for the garden. There will still be times when you want to go to the local garden center. After all, supporting local matters. However, if you are hesitant to venture out just yet, here is a suggestion. Pour a cup of tea, log on to BLOOMBOX, and shop as if you were at the garden center. We have become experts at online shopping over the past year.
Now back to working on book #1…with a smile and realizing that I was able to find that Hellebore I saw last weekend, it was on sale, and is now waiting to be planted.
Trake in hand and a vision in my mind….
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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