I knew my 2019 trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show was going to be a treat! Especially when I heard the theme was Flower Power.Where did the phrase “Flower Power come from? This term became a popular slogan used in 1960 – 70+/- by the American counterculture. Using this term represented an ideology of non-violence and peaceful resistance. Coined by Allen Ginsberg, protesting the Viet Nam war took on a new peaceful way of resisting. The freedom loving “Hippies” began using bright psychedelic colors, floral appliques on their clothing and flowers in their hair creating another new term “Flower Children”. All with good intention, Flower Power was meant to be a positive form of peaceful resistance.
Flash forward to 2019. We NEED Flower Power more than ever. Just imagine flowers powerful enough to grow a peaceful coexistence in the world? Flowers already have that power. PHS demonstrates this in a notable way.

As winter begins to rear its frigid head, gardeners are looking at seed catalogs, magazines and garden centers for inspiration. Seeking that one thing (or two, or three) that is a necessity for the garden. Can you order the seeds you want before they sell out? What about acquiring that latest tool? Not a problem, PHS has you covered.
What is PHS – the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. What do they do? The outreach PHS has that connects the community with horticulture is amazing. Partnerships which include the business community and an army of volunteers, PHS is transforming neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia. In my opinion, PHS is a Horticultural Hero for the unique way they have been transforming Philadelphia. You could call them Horticultural Resistors or Flower Children!!
Did you know the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was founded in 1827? It takes comprehensive educational programs to keep an entity like this growing strong. A mere two years after sprouting, PHS had its first Philadelphia Flower Show and the rest is history.

The virtual PHS “watering can” has sprinkled programs such as The City Harvest Program, Tree Tenders, Green City Teachers, Community Gardens, Landcare and more throughout the City. PHS offers membership as well as volunteer opportunities. You can also share your opinion on their PHSVision2027 initiative. It is with the decade’s long experience, PHS continues to welcome Spring with the Philadelphia Flower Show. When you attend the Philadelphia Flower Show, your patronage supports these programs and more.
Unlike other flower shows or horticultural events, The Philadelphia Flower Show is THE event of the Spring. I consider this the Winter Horticultural Olympics. Each year there is a different theme. Paris, Water, and our National Parks are a few of the recent themes. Each Flower Show is different and offers an experience not to be missed. From the excitement of the diverse attendees to the beautiful exhibit at the entrance, the outside world no longer exists. The vendors, the Make and Take Room, High Tea, and the opportunity to see exceptionally creative displays indoors is amazing. I am getting excited just thinking about this year’s theme and what will I wear? This year I am considering sharing my inner Flower Power…after all, why not?
Last year there were exhibits featuring jewelry created from Flower parts. I have to say this was one of the most interesting exhibits. Imagine tiny flower parts creating the jewelry normally creating from metals, clay or other things. It was one of the most creative uses of horticulture I have ever seen. Who knows what is in store from a creative perspective this year??
Although very much distracted, as I am every year this close to Spring, I have a plan. I will approach my yearly trek with purpose. After ordering way too many seeds, tools, and garden supplies from the comfort of my home office, I know I need more. This year, I will be in search of all things Dahlia. I will try to not be distracted by other things offered at The Flower Show.
Why Dahlias? According to the National Garden Bureau, 2019 is the Year of the Dahlia. There are many cultivars of Dahlia’s. Of course, I am in need of as many as possible. I could and have ordered some online. You just never know what can be found at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Last year I really REALLY wanted a tuber called”Cafe Au Lait”. I attempted to order – SOLD OUT. Of course, I just knew it would be found at the Philadelphia Flower Show – SOLD OUT. What a disappointment! This year I am looking for more Dahlia seeds.
As you can see from these Dahlia photo’s, I will be on the hunt for this year’s Dahlia of my dreams.
I am looking forward to the 2019 Philadelphia Flower Show. Anticipating the energy of the crowds, the City and the Market, the wait is almost unbearable.
Thank you, PHS for ushering in Spring with the Philadelphia Flower Show. Anticipating Spring is the reason I am distracted. I am officially counting the days until THE Flower Show!
Distracted with thoughts of Spring.
Teri, Cottage In The Court