Long overdue, the movie ” Black Panther” was a delight to see. Recalling the tidbit of a preview shared at Blogalicious last year, I knew I wanted to see this movie. What I did not realize at the time, was how much the messaging would resonate to the world as we know it today.

I eat, breathe and sleep gardening. Seeing the beautiful land called Wakanda simply took my breath away. Fiction can always make mediocre things look phenomenal. Wakanda, however was not mediocre at all. It was a self-sustaining community that had not been colonized. Considered a small, backwards farming community, Wakanda was not on the radar of the outside world. This was the blessing that sustained its beauty. From the lush forests, mountains, magnificent waterfalls and beautiful people, Wakanda was naturally a beautiful land. The rituals that took place in the water to the beautiful heart-shaped plants, Wakanda was genuinely a place to dream about.
When Erik Killmonger became a force to be reckoned with, one of the first things he did was destroy life. Erik ordered the destruction of the heart-shaped plants that caressed
the vibranium. This heart-shaped plant was a herb that when properly prepared, allowed only those of royal blood to partake. Drinking this herbal concoction, allowed the person to transition and get advice from the ancestors who had passed on. It also provided strength to the recipient for the return journey back to earth.
In today’s world, as development razes older communities or breaks new ground, one of the first acts is removal of vegetation. Stripping the gifts of Mother Nature, to start with a clean slate. Is it replaced? Minimally, in most cases. The symbolism of this act in the Black Panther movie has stuck with me. When change presents itself, why is it easier to get rid of the unfamiliar?
What about integrating the old into new concepts? I could easily compare this to preparing pots for a new season. Should we dump all of the soil out and start with nothing ? Is it possible to mix in a little fresh soil to enhance the old? Is the old soil totally lifeless…or can it be revived?
All of the imagery was not positive. Just like in the garden, if you leave behind diseased foliage, it will cause problems in the garden. Killmonger was left behind by his uncle, which led him to feel unloved and unwanted. We must stop leaving behind things to haunt our existence as we plant seeds of positivity in our life gardens. Usually there is a way, preferably organic, to address and catch negativity before it becomes a problem.
There was other messaging such as the ability for this community to thrive, without outside influence. There were beautiful fabrics, wonderful market scenes and honestly, the people appeared to be happy.

The messaging in the Black Panther movie was subliminal, but caught up with the viewer after the show. The conversations about the Black Panther will continue for some time.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I will see it again. I must say, it was quite refreshing to see a movie depicting Africa Americans with a positive ending and a willingness to share. We can create our own version of Wakanda by planting seeds of love, knowledge, prosperity, and by making sure that no one is left behind as we pursue success in this world.
Wakanda Forever…if only in my dreams…