Compost bins are usually these hidden piles of debris. While we are proud to compost, some of us consider it our secret. After all, composting is usually an unsightly pile of debris, a black bin, or something we hide at the rear of the garden. Some people who do not understand the value of composting feel it attracts unwanted critters. Others find composting bothersome, so they bag up their garden gold to be retrieved from the curb and taken to the recycle center. Smart Pots offers a glamorous way to contain your compost.
Smart Pots is a leader in innovative ways to do quite a few things in the garden. With a line of breathable pots almost every size imaginable, Smart Pots have been my choice of pots this year in my container vegetable garden. My plants are healthy and I can move them around as my lighting changes. Having lightweight Smart Pots will also make my end of season garden clean up a breeze. The ability to dump the soil, rinse, flatten, and store over the winter is priceless.
Composting has never been easier or prettier as well. The Smart Pots Compost Sak is made of a permeable fabric that is lead and BPA free. It is also reusable. Using this special fabric aids in accelerating the microbial activity as the greens and browns breakdown into garden gold.
As I garden, reusing my debris to amend my beds without buying bagged compost is important. Purchasing brown bags, filling them up, lining them by the curb just does not seem right to me. Slow composting in a non-obvious way was something to consider. The Smart Pots Compost Sak is an elegant way to mindfully compost.
With the rain we have had this year and the ability to work from home, it was the perfect time to have a way to compost in different places throughout my garden. As I age, lugging compost to the back was no longer appealing. Having compost almost near or in-place, as much as possible was important. I chose a spot that receives part-sun, a bit of rain, and in an accessible, yet inconspicuous spot.

Using a permeable fabric allows oxygen to flow through the microscopic pores. Remember wearing patent leather shoes on those special occasions? Well, there is a shiny lid that slips over the bin to dress up your compost mess, in addition to keeping the heat inside. Pretty and elegant while composting is something I never thought possible. Smart Pots Compost Sak does that and more.

I followed the directions of 2/3 brown to 1/3 green. I would rather garden than cut grass, so borrowing a brown bag of lawn clippings was important. Once my Compost Sak began to lean, I knew there was something good happening inside. Gingerly opening the lid, I noticed that the contents had begun to decompose. Grinning from ear to ear, I used my pitchfork to shift, fluff, and stir the ingredients. It was a good mix with just enough water to get things going and the results showed promise. Placing the lid back on to allow the magic to continue made me realize that I might need three more Smart Pots Compost Saks. One for the side of my garden and two for the backyard as well.
Gardening smart as we age is important. Lugging wheelbarrows of debris or brown bags is not appealing. I can gather a 5-gallon bucket of debris and empty it into the Smart Pots Compost Sak without breaking my back. If placed properly, using my garden fork, I can pretty much amend in place. At the end of the day, the Smart Pots Compost Sak is a wise choice for gardeners everywhere. It saves your back, saves the dollars spent on brown bags, and time spent on lugging debris-filled bags to the curb.
As we begin considering how we approach the next season, I recommend trying a Smart Pots Compost Sak as an elegant way to enjoy composting.
Teri, Cottage In the Court

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