Did you know that National Public Gardens Week started May 8th and will end May 17th?? Although this is the week designated to celebrate our Public Gardens nationwide, we can celebrate this week as long as we want!
Right now, many of us are longing to stroll in the Public Gardens that are familiar to us. Due to the ongoing health crisis, many have shuttered their doors and locked their gates. This is for the safety of the general public…it does not mean that they are closed. You see, man cannot shutdown beauty! The garden draws us in. Creative methods encourage participation from afar, not distancing us from engaging with nature.
Many of the National Public Gardens have found a way to share. They are sharing to keep us sane. During this time of unintentional pausing, our National Public Gardens continue to show us how important they are.
Tired of looking at your four walls? Your garden needs a lift, but you have no idea of what plant will tickle your fancy? Haven’t a clue about what is blooming outside of your own back forty? Need some inspiration? Log on and check out how some of the National Public Gardens share craft ideas, coloring book pages, lectures, and more!
National Public Gardens take us away. Sometimes it is to visit local greenspaces, while some gardens might not be so local. Imagine attending a walking tour at Bellevue Botanical Gardens. You could revisit as many times as you want and watch a new season evolve…all without a security check. This is called an armchair adventure.
Did you know you could follow the Madison Square Park Conservancy in New York via Instagram? They have a Summer Global Arts display that is quite intriguing. You can even ask questions, which they are more than happy to answer.
Calling all Snow Birds!! Not able to escape to Florida this year?? No worries!! Naples Botanical Garden wants to connect with you!! They miss you! Click here to see all the fun they have lined up – sunscreen not required!
American Public Gardens has a listing that will keep you entertained all yearlong even after we can move about freely!!

Did you know the Smithsonian Gardens include 12 unique gardens to explore and enjoy?? If you follow me on Instagram (@cottageincourt), I stalk the United States Botanic Gardens. There is always something to catch my eye, which is visible from the street.
Some days, no matter how bad I try to rush home, the gardens call my name. To be honest, it is the perfect place to restore my mind, refurbish my soul, and reset my disposition after a long day in the office. I am so thankful for all of our National Public Gardens as they lift our spirits, creating opportunities to escape from the madness, and for inspiring each of us to be better gardeners.
If you want to learn more about the Smithsonian Gardens, I highly recommend a wonderfully written book. A Guide to Smithsonian Gardens by Carole Ottesen. Exploring the Smithsonian from the outside adds value to visiting the museums. L’Enfant’s design and plan for Washington D.C. were to include monumental buildings with beautiful gardens. As we know the buildings are exquisite. However, the gardens were slowly created over time, due to funding. Most of the gardens flank the National Mall.
Andrew Jackson Downing, a landscape designer, did not embrace the thought process of Mr. L’enfant’s initial plan. Mr. Downing, instead, designed four public garden rooms, which would resemble a living tree and shrub museum.
This plan was shelved as the Civil War took precedence, over all things beautiful. There were other ideas that slowly became a reality as more museums were built, with some including unique gardens.

Constitution Gardens is one garden that never became a reality. Thanks to the efforts of the Trust for the National Mall, one day this will be not just a beautiful garden. With not just a garden, but planned concessions stands, a restaurant, and more, Constitution Gardens will also be a place to gather. Redesigned and embracing sustainability, Constitution Gardens needs to be a part of the dream fulfilled. To find out how to support this effort click here

My hope is that no matter where you are, a visit to a National Public Garden is in your future. Right now, most can be found right at your fingertips. Many are offering mini visits, little known backstories, discounts on membership, as well as presenting information on what to expect when a visit is possible. Should you visit a National Public Garden, make sure to say Thank You for inspiring, educating, and being!

Dreaming of re-entry to the gardens at the United States Botanic Gardens…
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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