Today I took the time to enjoy a few pleasures from the earth. It has been an unusually busy Spring and I know that in the midst of my busyness, I might have missed some of the early gifts from the earth. Now it is time for me to savor whatever daily treats I witness. To witness the garden evolve is certainly a treat that makes me smile from ear to ear, as I leave the Cottage and plan my hasty return. As summer gracefully dances in our midst, some blooms open as others begin their departing waltz. There is a fresh face to the pleasures this earth shares with us, unique to the seasonal moment. Unexpected buds, as well as blooms, have made my garden stroll much like a Christmas morning.Each fresh bud offers the promise of something beautiful. All blooms are not perfect, but unique to their own beauty and perfect for the moment at hand. This shell pink rose was tossed aside and all hope of it ever blooming was al but lost. I rescued it, loved it and it has continuously bloomed one bud at a time, faithfully for the past 4 years. Raindrops settle and linger on every petal, taking in the beauty up close and personal. How I wish I was in the midst of this rose. To savor the velvety feel of the petals, to sniff the gentle fragrance and wonder how anyone could have tossed this garden gem aside. When gifted with pleasures like this, one should be ever mindful of how we treat our earth daily.
As the winter of 2016 ended, there were days when it was rather warm followed up with a period of colder temps. The Hydrangea was putting out the prettiest leaves as every gardener I know was working towards making certain that no buds were lost. Late season cold blasts can be detrimental for the Hydrangea…as well as the Gardener that loves them. Much to my delight, the pleasure of the prettiest conical blooms of the hydrangea can be seen throughout the grounds of The Cottage.
To welcome the end of Spring with its diversity of buds and blooms, perfect or otherwise…
…is to welcome a new day, a new season and a special appreciation of the pleasures of the earth. Do you pause, enjoy and repeat in the gardens that are all around us? I was once told that practice makes for near perfect situations. I am approaching an Advanced Garden Pleasure Seeker status, as I practice this daily!
With Pleasure,
Teri, Cottage In the Court

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