I have been anticipating this year’s Garden Bloggers Fling 2017 for quite some time. Maintaining my composure as I waited has been challenging. Trying to hide my excitement when people have asked the question “What is a Garden Bloggers Fling 2017?” has been difficult!I even tried to not give away too much information about the sponsors, speakers and raffle items that we will have the opportunity to win. (Did I mention the Swag Bags – you will need a personal crane…oops!)

What is the Garden Bloggers Fling??
No, it is not a group of Gardeners flinging things at each other. It IS an intimate gathering of like-minded passionate garden bloggers who come together and share the experience of visiting bodacious gardens in a specific region. The Garden Bloggers Fling 2017 will encompass the awesomely wonderful, fabulous and unique Washington, DC region – DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Four days of horticultural BLISS, starting right in the Nation’s Capital. I am holding back because it has been killing me to NOT go to my favorite haunt, The United States Botanic Gardens to share how gorgeous it is RIGHT NOW!!!! OUR National Mall is the first stop – how exciting, right? If you are not aware of what is happening on the National Mall, I’ve got a little news for you.

Did you know that the Trust For The National Mall is in the process of managing the relocation of the infamous Lockkeepers House? You know that beautiful stone structure at the corner of Constitution Avenue and 17th Street that is 180 years old. I know you have seen it and wondered what are they ever going to do with that?? Well, I have it on good authority that its re-birthing will be awesome. Lack of funding will NOT keep us from enjoying this beautiful building.
Thank you to the Private Donors who are making the move and restoration possible. Without the Private Donors, the choice to keep this jewel of a building has become a reality. It will become the beacon of historical light, as we welcome visitors to the National Mall. After all, it is the oldest structure on Our National Mall. To keep up on the latest news or to donate, check out the National Mall. Personally, I am still excited about the effort to install Constitution Gardens….one day!!

Our National Mall has so many gardens and museums that offer education and beauty. The United States Botanic Gardens offers us inspiration, beauty, programming and so much more. Admittedly, I tend to stalk the United States Botanic Gardens. It is amazing to see the combinations of plant material in the planters as well as on the grounds, the seasonal blooms, and new plant introductions. Then there is that fountain…

The fountain of my desire is known to many as the Bartholdi Fountain. Located in the Bartholdi Park, just beyond the rain garden display at United States Botanic Gardens, one simply must pause to see this work of art. Bartholdi Park was completely renovated for the first time since it was created in 1932 last year. It is now considered a SITES Certified garden. Certification for SITES Projects found just about anywhere from private homes, streetscapes, national parks and more is worth investigating. To find out about SITES Certification click here.
There is so much in store for the attendees of this year’s Garden Bloggers Fling!!! Did I mention I am a Bus Captain??? This is a hard job but someone has got to do it!!! As a native Washingtonian, Avid Volunteer, Supporter of The Trust for The National Mall, Member of The Association of Garden Writers, I am honored to be a part of this awesome event. Did I mention that this is all just a taste of DAY ONE???!!!
How To Find Out More
Although registration is closed, if you blog about gardens, you might want to click here to check out the Garden Bloggers Fling, for more information. I am dreaming about cultivating new friendships with people I have admired by reading their blogs. Taking tons of pictures of local gardens in late June, I am packing my personalized smelling salts and enjoying the moments will be the mission.

I would never have known about the Garden Bloggers Fling if I had not joined The Association of Garden Writers. You would never know what members of The Association of Garden Writers have available upon joining. The opportunity to meet passionate gardeners, experts in horticulture, vendors and free plants – Did I say FREE PLANTS?? To find out more click #GWA.
Follow me daily starting Thursday, June 22 through Sunday, June 25 on my social media garden plots (Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and Facebook) to stay in the loop on all things beautiful. I am considering this Pre-Game Practice for #GWA2017, #BUFFALOGARDENWALK Registration is still open for the 2017 Garden Writers and Communicators Conference. It will be a great way to end the summer and quite the unique vacation idea!
Mentally Flinging,

I wish I was rising your bus! Your group will have a blast!
LOL….You would fit right in!!! Thanks for the comment and vote of support!!! Hugs, Teri
It will be my first one as well. So we will both be newbies!!! I look forward to meeting so many new passionate plant people!!!
I know we’ll have a blast. Looking forward to it.