How many of us practice random acts of kindness on a regular basis??? How many people observe National Random Acts of Kindness Day or even knew when it existed?? Why can’t we embrace random acts of kindness every day? Did you know that today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day??
These are just a few of the thoughts that came to my mind as I embraced this beautiful “idea” on a mid-February Friday. If we DON’T act upon this “idea” then it is only an idea. If we DO act upon it, then it becomes a reality. The world we live in today certainly is an eye opener and one that requires us to perform random acts of kindness as often as possible. As I began my day, I thought what can I do to make a difference that will have longevity, that could possibly demonstrate how planting a seed of kindness can show how to prevail, in spite of it all. The answer was an obvious one and one that others might do in their own communities. It is the act of bringing life to a tiny object, instilling hope for one’s spirit and feeding one’s body or soul. My choice of a random act of kindness is planting a seed of hope for something positive.In some zones, it is time to get seeds started for an outdoor planting of assorted vegetables or flowers. Seeds are a minimal financial investment (and sometimes free) with a maximum return. Most seed packs have more seeds than any one person can use personally. I find quite a bit of joy watching hundreds of seedlings pop up and a bit sad when I realize that I have no use for 25 tomato plants or 35 flowers of one kind in my allotment. In an attempt to turn my frown upside down, this year, I will donate my excess seedlings to a community center or a community garden where there just might be someone who would love to engage with this earth of ours – but has no funds to buy seeds or starter plants. With a little research on where the underserved communities are that might best utilize my efforts to give back, my seeds just might be passed down from person to person. Engaging with this earth of ours via gardening is truly a random act of kindness that can inspire. Providing someone with a small plant to grow. Something that is new or familiar to them, something that provides visual beauty or edible joy is truly a random act of kindness. This year will you consider planting not just a row for the hungry – but plant seeds to share the beginning of what could be the inspiration for one who might never be exposed to gardening.
What are YOU doing to celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day???
Teri, Cottage In The Court
Need some great seed resources. Here are a few of my favorites:
Renees Garden – have used this company for over 20 years
Botanical Interests – great heirloom selections
Hudson Valley Seed – just an all around great company