Snow…in early November has signaled seasonal changes all around me. As I drove into work and crossed the DC line the flurries thickened. The snowflakes became swollen with moisture and gently slid down the glass of Ms. Red. I could hear the pellets of sleet tap dancing in the silence of the morning. Traffic was light and I seized the opportunity to roll down the windows and listen…focusing on listening to the sound of the season rolling in. Seasonal weather silently arrived in the Nation’s Capitol and it was quite a surprise.
Snow has a calming affect on the first day. Adorning evergreen branches with a dusting like confectioners sugar. This was a vision that would most likely be seen in January. Predictions call for an early winter this year. Measurable precipitation is also in the forecast, if we believe the meteorologists..

As a child, my wish for my birthday was always the same – snow…and a lot of it. Mom would have been delighted today with the sight of this morning’s weather. I imagined hearing her say, “Teri…your birthday must be near because it is snowing outside.” My Mom’s voice is like music to my ears. I would quickly don my outside winter attire and bolt out the door to walk to school. Oh how I miss those days.
Mom would make grilled cheese sandwiches and double wrap them in aluminum foil with a baggie of molasses. Cooking hot dogs in the Hot Dog Hut, adding a touch of mustard on the roll with a sprinkle of onions , made me the hit of the cafeteria. The foil, always double wrapped kept these special lunches warm. Mom was a woman ahead of her time. Oh how I loved my mom’s lunches, even on a day without snow.
Snow has arrived for the season. How much or how little, we really do not know. What I do know is when the next weather event arrives, I hope it is a weekend. I will take Precious to the park and allow her to immerse herself in this seasonal gift called snow. I will wander in the woods at the break of dawn to capture the scene of a world at peace. Forest bathing in the bliss of the season and watching as Precious discovers something new will be just what the Doctor ordered.
Do you remember childhood memories of snow? Has this wintry mix caught you prepared or just embracing seasonal bliss? I am patiently crossing my fingers for a weather event on the last day of this month.
Happy First Day of Snow…