Riviera vacations have been on my mind all week. I did not dig out my passport, but I had the oil changed in my car. After a less than exciting winter, this short drive to Pre-Spring bliss will be a breeze! I have a feeling that my dreams of the Riviera will get visions of snow off my mind.
Every year the Philadelphia Horticulture Society presents the Philadelphia Flower Show for all to enjoy. This year will be no different as the theme is Riviera Holiday. Starting tomorrow, Saturday, February 29th until Sunday, March 8, 2020, the Philadelphia Convention Center will be the hottest spot in town – if you enjoy all things beautiful!
This year’s Flower Show promises to share the inspiration of not just florals, but tastes, scents, and visions of the Riviera Region. Imagine waves of lavender gracing the knees of Citrus trees as you wander from display to display. The inspiration alone will be worth the drive!!
Five new designers will be introduced to this year’s attendees. The displays have been designed to emulate the Mediterranean feel. Among them, designers from Nice, France – James and Helen Basson of Scape Design, and Laurélie de la Salle of Laurélie Paysages are names to look for. They have worked quite hard to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in their displays. How to use plants found in the Mediterranean, in our sustainable landscapes in the United States is anyone’s guess. This is why I need to go to The Philadelphia Flower Show.
There will be a few additional Flower Show experiences offered this year. There is the PHS Grow It! Center featuring assorted experts who can answer your questions on what’s trending in the garden including hands-on sessions for those who really want to dig in! One of the focuses of OHS is to build communities. The Grow It! Center will assist attendees with ideas of how to create a bigger impact in their communities. I cannot wait to see this exhibit!
This year’s Flower Show also features the Bloomin’ Brunch. If you love food and flowers this is a cannot miss feature. With a specially curated menu and thoughts of brunching on the Riviera, I cannot imagine missing this treat!! Of course, the theme can be a mood setter. “Taste of St. Tropez”…says it all!!
One of the highlights of this year’s Flower Show is the Biodiversity Symposium which is sponsored by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation USA. Held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, this event features Dr.Peter Raven who will be sharing his wisdom on how gardening influences biodiversity. Helping the attendees consider ways to help conserve and foster the concept of biodiversity, this symposium promises to inform and educate the attendees. There are price breaks and deals that encourage attending the Symposium as well as the Flower Show.
I ama child at heart. At the Flower Show there is a Make and Take room where I can really b a child again. For a minimal fee of $10.00, attendees can create a takeaway memory of the Flower Show. It is a great way to pause, mindlessly have fun with other like-minded adults and step away for a moment. Stepping away allows a bit of downtime before visiting the vendors within the show.
Did I mention the Potting Parties with Tu Bloom?? If you have never attended one of these potting parties, you do not know what you are missing! Tu Bloom is nationally recognized when it comes to all things garden. This is certainly one of my favorite day paries of the year. Once again, for a minimal fee, the experience and the take away of a beautiful container, the memories are more than worth the admittance! This event is another favorite of mine and Tu Bloom is the perfect host!!
I am off on a trip to the Riviera, without luggage or a passport. I will be bringing back memories of yet another place I have not yet visited. There is also the possibility I will encourage others traveling with me to make sure this is a Spring Rite of Passage, year after year!
Did I mention next Friday you can even bring your dog?? Can you believe the Redding Market is right across the street? I am a sucker for Italian foods located in the rear of the market. Oh, The Flower Show is simply a welcome end of winter distraction!!
Are you considering going to the Philadelphia Flower Show? Are you dreaming about a Riviera Vacation?
Sunglasses, a calming drink, a fragrant bloom, imaginary sand between my toes, and my nose open to the scents found along the Riviera…see you there!
Teri, Cottage In The Court
To find out more about PHS, click here
To find out about more events offered, click The Flower Show
For information about the Biodiversity Symposium, click here.

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