Feelings are usually triggered in reaction to an external event. Emotions and feelings are two different reactions to certain situations. If we look around us, feelings of sadness are everywhere. The current worldwide situation has many of us, wrapped up in our suppressed emotions. Social distancing to save our lives is important. The act of wandering in the garden is the best place to reconnect with your inner thoughts and emotions.

The rain from today lingers on the leaves and plants throughout my garden. I always glance at this Hellebore, as I leave to walk Precious. Dad was elated to have a Hellebore in his garden. I remember watching him carry it about and finding just the right spot. We planted it together, digging the quarter size hole for the dime-size plant. That was one of his favorite sayings as he chuckled. His face shared feelings of love for his garden and me as well.

It is almost as if this Iris is wearing her feelings on her petals. Tearful images of a fleeting bloom. A gorgeous bloom, silky to the touch, standing tall amidst the existing unfurling buds. This particular bloom will be mush by morning. More blooms will be open in the morning. Right now, this Iris represents a beautifully elegant bloom.

Winter Honeysuckle is a scent I seek out in the spring. Never tiring of the scent, it reminds me of my grandmother’s hugs. The scent filled the air as she hugged us close to her bosom. A grandmother’s touching, hugging, and showing love is simply wonderful! Scent can often trigger all types of emotions – good and bad.
What we are experiencing has some people shocked. A feeling of dismay is felt throughout society. Being numb is a symptom of a depressed society. We are an emotional society, and a loving one as well. I love my grandsons. Thoughts of hugging my grandsons, cross my mind daily. I would love to pinch the cheeks of my oldest daughter or simply cuddle with my youngest daughter. Right now, it is important for us to practice safe distancing, just to stay alive. In my mind, Morris Albert sings “Feelings”. I can feel the “teardrops rolling down my face”…
The term “social distancing” prohibits us from feeling the hug of a friend, a parent, or even a grandmother. It does not prohibit us from going into nature. Nature is there for us and if we embrace it, the emotions will flow. Emotional health and wellbeing can be affected by embracing nature. It only takes two minutes a day for nature to lift your spirits and shake up some positive endorphins.
Staying in touch with your feelings by going into nature is easy. In your own backyard, engage with nature. Go into nature to touch a leaf, hug a tree, or smell a rose. As we practice social distancing, we need to stay in touch with our emotions. Nature is here to help us stay in touch with our feelings.

Embracing nature and staying in touch with my feelings…are you?
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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