Black Flora was a mere seedling of a thought in 2021. The opportunity to write a book focusing on African American flower farmers was quite exciting. I accepted the offer with enthusiasm. After much discussion the conversation about who to portray broadened. We decided to include the diverse stories of African Americans who work with flowers. The initial release in February 2022 was brief and the book sold out by the end of 2022. A rebirth was inevitable.
I had no idea of what writing a book entailed. The publishing industry was not something I was familiar with. I quickly realized it was not like writing a blog post. Thoughts of reviving interest in this book seemed out of reach. I learned a valuable lesson on how things happen at just the right time. During a very somber week, truly disappointed at the outcome of my first foray into writing a book, I received an email expressing interest in our stories. The Black Flora Family cannot say Thank you enough to Timber Press. I like to say Timber Press saw us and recognized the importance of this book. Black Flora shares inspirational stories to inspire and encourage people from all walks of life. A revival of Black Flora was eminent.
The profiles shared within the book showcase how African Americans in floriculture can pivot. Along the way, the road might have been a bit bumpy. The journey might have unexpected obstacles to discourage. The twenty-five profiles in Black Flora – Inspiring Profiles of Floriculture’s New Vanguard share an encapsulated version of their passion. From Hawaii to North Carolina, this book shares how flowers found a way to change lives.
Each participant in Black Flora represents a determination to succeed. The dream of growing, designing, or creating art with flowers is not a dream to defer. Even with the odds against us, we do not wilt and disappear. We return to our roots and stand on the foundation our ancestors instilled in us.
Writing this book was not easy. I am a freelance writer and garden blogger. I wanted to become a specialty cut flower farmer in 2021. Imagining a life without flowers in my home weekly was a humbling thought. The desire to have an outdoor garden with all the flowers that I desired had a certain requirement. There would be enough flowers to provide arrangements in every room at The Cottage in the Court weekly. I felt I could do this from my backyard and share the excess. One component of my work week is creating arrangements using seasonal flowers. These floral displays uplift the spirits in our office. Who knew Gomphocarpus physocarpus would create interesting conversations followed by giggles?

As I interviewed the Black Flora participants, we became a team. I consider us the Black Flora Family. In the book, it was intended to focus on the success of our journey. As business owners and farmers, many people know the challenges minorities encounter along the way. We highlighted the unique stories of why the flowers beckoned those portrayed on the pages of this book for this work. Sharing the success and overcoming the challenges should inspire anyone considering a career with flowers. A few individuals portrayed in Black Flora had to figure out how to creatively farm flowers by borrowing land. We realized pursuing a floral dream in uncertain times was the common thread that connected us. We are Black Flora. I wondered how many profiles of African Americans in floriculture whose stories have yet to be shared. We consider this a new beginning.

Some have asked, how they can help spread our stories. Purchase Black Flora -Inspiring Profiles of Floriculture’s New Vanguard to show interest in what our hands are capable of. Go the extra mile to reach out to an African American florist. We are small businesses that can only thrive on the success of their patrons. There is a directory on Postal Petals of African American Florists to consider supporting. Black Flora’s cover lady, Talia Boone, owner of Postal Petals, continually updates this listing as new florists sign up.
The best way for us to continue sharing our stories is by supporting us. We want to continue being strong representatives of the African American presence in floriculture. Sowing into the flower farmers, florists, and designers who are a part of Black Flora helps them thrive and give back to others in our communities. Creating and supporting collaborative events can provide opportunities to share with a broader audience. Book signings, fl0ral arranging, and more are ways to keep the conversation going. Asking those who work with flowers and documenting their stories is the best way to sow seeds for future generations.
I am simply a messenger. Sowing seeds of positivity to empower others to engage with the Black Flora Family. We love the work that we do. It reflects the diverse ways we show up in the garden of life. With each stem we touch, arrangement we make, class we teach, or design we share, we are uniquely Black Flora.
I love us. I love Black Flora and what we share with the world. Now, to start that small flower farm…if I make time to sow seeds in my backyard. The cut flower garden of my dreams continues to evolve. I want to share with the next generation how flowers can uplift the spirit and share boundless joy.
While sitting in my garden room, sorting seeds for a cutting garden, Precious by my side, I dream of an abundant fower border, overflowing with blooms for cutting. This is the year I grow more peonies and cut flowers to bring the garden inside. This is the year I have my Black Flora moment with my hands in the soil and my heart with all who are inspired to embrace the joy of flowers.
Teri, Cottage in the Court

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