Creating in the midst of chaos is a skill worth having. Mental words games and creating moments of laughter always help me cope. I refuse to use the other “C” word in the news these days. I am thinking of positive actions in the garden. Creating joyful moments that will allow me to destress is good mental mojo.
The act of creating for this gardener has many levels…and I see it becoming more unique as we tick away the days. Creating ways to pass the time has me thinking of all positive things that start with the letter C. Curbside is a popular word for many retail entities. This is a great way to keep essential stores open and employees working.
Go into the garden and allow those creative juices to flow. Casually stroll, as you mentally begin creating a list of plants in your garden that start with C. This was easy for me this morning. Precious and I wandered from side to side and found a few things in bloom…

An unnamed Camellia has three buds this year and I look forward to it blooming. The color is supposed to be Coral…I can’t wait for it to bloom.

Creating alternative ways to experience and enjoy Spring can be assisted by technology. Two Metro stations that are closest to the Cherry Blossoms have been closed as of today. This action was taken to discourage crowds from visiting The National Mall. The show put on by the Cherry Blossoms is a much-anticipated sign of Spring. However, with the aid of technology, the Trust for The National Mall has a Bloomcam feature that is worth checking out. Visit The Trust For The National Mall.
Bloomcam will take you to the Cherry Blossoms as we practice our new norm of social distancing. Creating virtual memories will help us smile through this chaotic moment.
Back to my personal green space. I have worked on creating an environment that brings me seasonal cheer.

Creating places where memories dwell and give me something to look forward to is special. I am not a real Chrysanthemum person. Clara Curtis is my favorite, as it was my first love in my Virginia garden. Clara was responsible for creating a border of seasonal bliss. From October until Christmas, the blooms of Clara danced in my border. My Dad loved ALL Chrysanthemums…and made certain he shared cuttings with all the neighbors.

Loudly chuckling, this morning I was on a mission. My goal was to find the C plants in my garden before working remotely from home. I could not get a good photo of the carrots growing. I could not find a lot of Chickweed.

Did you know that chickweed was edible? If you are chemical-free, you can eat this right out of the garden. I am so happy I do not have enough this year.
This was a good thing. I did notice other weeds popping through the soil. I am creating a mental list of all that I have to do as I practice social distancing in our new…temporary normal.
Can you find the C plants in your garden? We must stay sane as we commit to protecting each other by social distancing. It is important to stay connected with each other. Our mental health matters.
In what ways are you utilizing this time to find positive ways to celebrate the letter “C”?

Creating more madness in my garden,
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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