The art of contemplating anything is an act of consideration. A few ways that Merriam Webster defines the word contemplate, definitely applies to the garden. Particularly when the first definition is… to view or consider with continued attention..or to meditate on. As we practice unintentionally pausing, I have meditated on a few things, for sure. Contemplating the letter C” was just the beginning. I began to consider exploring how “C” connected my garden.
As we paused this Spring, I began to abhor the letter “C”. Contemplating the thought of hearing anything that began with “C” for who knows how long was worrisome. I had to reassess my thought processes. Was there a way to find the beauty in this third letter of the alphabet? I began to explore the positive attributes of “C” as it pertained to the garden. I found a way to share a little street cred to the letter “C”.

Mulling over just a few of the perennials I could find in my garden that started with “C” was amazing. Changing my thoughts on “C” has broadened my perspective on this letter. It does not matter if it is the botanical name or the common name. Plants starting with the letter “C ” in my garden bring me joy. Coneflower, Catmint, Candytuft, Chrysanthemum, and Calendula all add joy to my garden. Clematis, Canterbury Bells, Cleome, and Cosmos all rise to salute the letter “C”.

Let’s not forget the trees and shrubs like Cornus Mas, Camellia, Chaste Tree, or Cotoneaster. For those semi shady areas we often contemplate adding Coleus, Coral Bells, Columbine, or Cardinal Flower.

Cringing when I hear anything starting with “C” no longer happens. Going into my garden has made this act disappear. The reputation of this alphabetic third child (like myself), is not a cheerful one. Rethinking ways to embrace “C” was easy when in my garden. There is a sense of contentment with not always working in my garden. Enjoying the imperfect garden is perfect right now. This unexpected opportunity of time to simply be in the garden. The chance to consider the needs of my garden in a timely manner. Sometimes I find myself calculating how much a fence will cost? The joy of seeing Precious run aimlessly in her backyard is wishful thinking. In my mind, I am creating more garden rooms. Giving “C” some credit is actually lifting my spirits. The possibilities of adding more plants with “C” to my garden cheers me up!

How are you doing as we cautiously contemplate the future? Do you spend time contemplating upsizing or downsizing your garden as we pause? Are you or have you created beautiful vignettes in your garden? Can you find plants starting with “C” in your garden?
Consciously planting more of the letter “C” in my garden.
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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