Blue bins safely tucked away in my workshop are genuinely cherished. They belonged to my favorite garden buddy, my Dad. As long as I have them, it is confirmation that he is still with me. Most holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, bring the memory of my parents to the surface. I will never stop missing them. In a way, I am so glad that they are not witnessing how the world has changed. They would be very disappointed.
However, let me tell you about the blue bins, as they have certainly brought me joy today. All four of us, The Happy Bunch, have bins. Like our parents, we store things in bins…lots of Rubbermaid bins. When Dad passed, there were two blue bins on the carport. My siblings told me to take them, as they were sure it had garden items in them.
I brought them home and placed them in my workshop. This was the perfect spot that would allow space for me to safely store and sort through them. There was no rush to sort them, so tucking them out of harm’s way was important. I knew the day would come when I would be ready to actually open them. Occasionally, I look at them and touch them. It has never been the right time to actually open them. I knew that my favorite gardener had touched and strategically placed every item in the blue bins for a reason.

Something made me actually open one bin today. Immediately I noticed a brown box – right on top of other assorted items. Gently picking it up, there was something inside. My heart instantly melted. The box had been unopened. I closed the blue bin and wondered what was inside. When I opened the box, there was a tool encased in plastic and a few pamphlets.

I pulled the contents from the safety of the cardboard box and noticed a folding pruning saw. There were also two pamphlets on pruning techniques. This was just like my Dad. I think he joined every garden club on earth at some point. Laughing and crying at the same time, it was as if my favorite gardener had left me a gift. Why did I open the bin today, the day after Christmas? Was there a reason this brown box was right on top? Imagining my parents in heaven laughing at my reaction, made me laugh even harder. It was as if they were right there with me.

One day, I will attempt to sort through the contents – but not today. Today, I am going to place this gift from my parents in my tool bag. I may never use it, but it will always be with me.
The blue bins in my workshop hold gifts and surprises. My Christmas has been blessed by a folding saw. I wonder what I will find next time?
Do you have memories waiting to be unpacked from loved ones who have passed? I will always miss my parents. They seem to continually let me know that I am not alone. It is such a wonderful feeling!
My mom gave me the gift of sewing. My dad gave me the gift of gardening. The gift of working with my hands is eternal. Grinning from ear to ear and feeling special with a Christmas gift from another realm.
Cutting up my mom’s jean jacket to make memory quilts for my siblings and dreaming of Spring.
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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