Tropical plants are not usually on my brain in January. The Cottage is in zone 6b. The ability to grow tropical plants is utterly impossible. If you have an indoor garden room, tropical plants are a bonus in the midst of winter. At this time of the year checking for heaving plants is the task at hand. This year, a fellow GardenComm member Sylvia Gordon encouraged me to come down to TPIE in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I know quite a few snowbirds who leave the cold at Christmas for tropical plants and warmer climates. I never felt the need to miss the seasonal weather surprises. As the snow fell in my garden, I could not get to the airport soon enough. Oh, what a journey this was!

Sylvia Gordon took us to handpicked properties showcasing tropical plants used in Florida landscapes.
We started with the more formal landscapes.

A beautiful Chalice vine graced the area above the garage. This is a tropical plant I wish I could grow in Maryland.

We visited properties that were not historic, but simply elegant.

We also visited landscapes with unique touches…

This was a perfect day coordinated by two stellar ladies.

With my partners in crime in tow, it was a beautiful experience and this was just day 1!

Here are a few more pictures of how beautiful the tropical plants made a typical January day beautiful.

Sylvia Gordon checked in with each of us as we made our way to the final garden for the day – Patch of Heaven.
Reliving my tropical adventure in January,
Teri, Cottage In The Court

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