There are so many secrets found in our gardens. What nature requires of us is simple. Pause, observe and appreciate nature’s gifts. This has been the perfect year to just let it be. Our garden does not need to be tinkered with daily for perfection. Nature knows what she is doing, so we should learn to just let it be. If allowed at least one season to just let it be, the garden will teach us lessons we might not learn otherwise

There will always be weeds. Learn to accept this. Unless you are using chemicals or always pulling each and every weed, you are not enjoying the garden. The garden should not call you to work. A proper garden should create an atmosphere to linger as you listen and learn. I have spent this summer pulling weeds along the edges of my front yard meadow. The taller weeds that pop up unexpectedly have been used in bouquets. After all, a weed is merely a plant out of place. In nature, a weed just might be food for a garden friend, like a bird.

Be cautious of what you are using in the garden. Is it safe for wildlife? Is it safe for any humans that might come into contact with? If you pull the weeds create compost. A small pile discretely placed inside the garden or in a proper compost bin has multiple benefits. What a wonderful way to reinvest in your garden and it is all free from Mother Nature.

As you garden, use your senses to make it more enjoyable. Touch the leaves along the way as you stroll by. Bend over to smell – maybe there is a scent or maybe not. Look up…perhaps there is a bloom you might have missed, a ripened fruit you might not have noticed. Appreciate the lessons that the garden teaches us and embrace the feeling of joy it brings.
Enjoying my garden, weeds and all as I simply let it be.
Teri, Cottage In the Court

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